Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brain Spill

i've been doing a lot of reading/thinking about HcG. This is my brain spilling onto the paper. it's mainly written for me, but i thought it wouldn't hurt to post it here.

i am trying to decide if right now is a good time to begin the hcg diet. dallin, my 14 month old still nurses, which i'm not sure i want to give up just yet. i love being connected to him. i think he'd be fine with weening luckily. i am, however ready to be thin. it's been a long time. i want my body to work properly and to be in pain less. i want to be able to do the things that other women can
do at my exercise class like do the "step up on a chair exercise." it would be really nice if my feet were in less pain. i don't want to be lethargic anymore.

from what i've read, i am feeling confident that this diet will work for me. everything i read about pregnancy and obesity really resonated with me. i feel better about my body and have no worries about weight and food more than at any other time in my life. that i think about it, maybe i should just get pregnant with our fourth. i could start a very low calorie diet then and it would cost nothing for the hormone. ;0) i'm sort of kidding about that, but am
sort of not. the thought of actively trying to loose weight while pregnant goes against everything i've ever learned. all i know is that the more i read and hear testimonials, the more i'm ready to begin. i'm thinking about just starting on phase 2 considering my regular diet is reasonable right now. another nice thing is that my husband patrick who only has 20 lbs to loose is going to do it
with me. he is 230lbs and i am 272. oh my. that's a large number. painfully large. right now as i think, my stomach is lapping over my legs as i sit in this chair. i've stayed in the 250 to 270 range for 8 years now, but lately i feel especially bloated. it's a horrible feeling.

some reservations i have are mainly regarding psychological things relating to my weight. i don't want to, but i have a hang up in my mind where i am very fearful of gaining weight i have in the past. the lowest i've gotten to is 240is in the past 8 years. it feels better there, but quickly i'm back up in the 260's again. that's discouraging. many times i actually feel a lot better than I look. Not right now.

i think my goal is to weight 175. Wow! that's 95 pounds to loose! i think the last time i weighed 175 was in jr. high! is that a reasonable weight for me? i want to loose weight for me. not for the approval of others. i don't really want to be praised for being skinny. i want to be accepted as i am, obese or not. i want to be healthy and live an active lifestyle and be able to go on long hikes
with patrick. i want to run around with my kids and be able to play volleyball with ease and mobility.

i know/sincerely hope this plan will help me. i have never taken something to help me loose weight in my life. i have tried strict diets and lost small amounts which i easily gain back. i don't like to put potentially harmful things into my body. i like my body on hcg while i'm pregnant. i hope it works while i'm not!!! ;) now, when to order, and what day to start!? as it is, if i do the
6 week plan it will run into Thanksgiving. well, if things are working for me, i will have something to be especially thankful for!!!!

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