Tuesday, October 6, 2009

my history.

This is a survey I completed to be part of a weight loss study. I completed it 9 months ago, but it is still very much the way I feel about my weight, so I included it on this blog.

It's pretty much my background history.

If anyone cares to know.


Here goes.

Name: Julie

Location: (Las Vegas area)
Age: 31

Ethnic background: White of European Decent

Height: 5'7.5

Weight: 270

Medical history: No major issues have been discovered.

Present medical problems & ailments: My main medical problem is obesity. I've been dealing with weight problems since high school. I was 200 lbs but still played school sports. In college and as a teacher I gained 50 lbs. over the course of 10 years. When I got married at 24, I weighed 255. I'm only 5 pounds heavier 7 years later, but I'm starting to FEEL LIKE CRAP! My desires to eat well [whatever that means] are increasing because my energy levels are plummeting, I feel like I am constantly sick, my body is aching WAY more than usual, I am noticing skin abnormalities/eczema, I have intense heel pain which is caused by exercising and by my weight no doubt, I have constant post-nasal drip and have recently developed allergies to who knows what. That's what I'm trying to figure out! I feel that my immune system is compromised in some way. Oh....and my 5 year old whom I really make efforts to feed healthy food and teaching about food choices is asking me why I am so fat!

Basically, I have no diagnosed medical conditions, I just feel that my health is decreasing drastically in that past few years. I want to avoid more serious problems that may be heading my way.

Medications taken daily: NONE. I really try to avoid medication if at all possible. If I have a headache, I just deal with it. If I'm having a baby...I let my body take care of that on it's own without any medication. If I have a cold....neti pot. I've taken only 1 anti-biotic in ten years (and i had no other choice!) I don't like to cover up symptoms!

Describe your diet: I consider myself to eat healthier food than a huge amount of the population. I am CONSTANTLY searching for the right way to eat, especially now that I have children and want to feed them well. When we got married my husband weighed 260. Now he is 220. I feed him mostly healthy food and It has helped him. I cook with very little meat. If I do cook with meat I might put 4 oz. in chili I'm feeding my whole family. We cook only brown rice. I only bake with fresh ground whole wheat and turbino sugar. We don't eat much soy. I justify eating organic corn product. We eat eggs....but they are cage free. My kids and I don't drink milk, but my husband does and he cooks with it sometimes so I get it here and there. I do eat too much cheese, but it's whole, not processed. I try to eat vegis often and buy organic if I can. I eat WAY TOO MUCH BUTTER. I love butter. I know I should eat coconut or olive oil instead.

Basically, I only bring whole foods into our home...away from home is a whole different story.

Name your favorite foods and how often you eat them: I crave and enjoy junk food but never buy it myself. I get it when I go to parties, visit my parents, shop at Costco and anywhere I can get my hands on it. I really do enjoy healthy food, I'm just weak when I have free unhealthy food placed in front of me. I can't justify eating much fast food, but if I do, I love El Pollo Loco and In N Out. For the past 3 weeks I've been eating little Taco Al Carbon's 3 times a week. It's like a snack. Then, on Thursday, I had 5 for dinner, with this creamy cilantro dressing that I'm SURE has loads of MSG in it. I don't feel like I have much self control right now. Sometimes I do.

What are the worst foods you crave? Bad stuff. Anything with MSG, anything refined, anything fried, anything with sugar, corn products, pepperoni, salty meat.

How many times have you tried to lose weight? Uhhhh.....like, my whole entire life!

How? Never pills, just TRYING to eat healthy. Basically trying to follow whatever ideas I hear of at any certain time. In high school it was high-carb, low fat. In college it was high fat, low carbs. I've been on Weight Watchers and failed miserably. I lost no weight, I just lost my money (and another piece of my self respect.) I followed The Fat Flush (which I lost 15 LBS on over a long period of time, but I gained it back.) I try to follow principles I learned in a book called the PH MIRACLE. It's big on eating LOTS of vegis. I'm weak sometimes though and end up not following it very long.

Why should we choose you for this program? I have a strong desire to really learn and be healthy! I feel like healthy lifestyle and understanding is progressing but I could really benefit from some support and accountability. I am worried that what I am trying to do now to eat healthy is not enough! I wonder why I am so overweight, even if I am eating healthy food. I really feel that I was led to your program. My husband's co-worker gave him a DVD that you spoke on called Healing Cancer. It reaffirmed much of what I am beginning to think and believe about health and wellness. I don't have real cancer, but I feel my body is starting to not function properly and I want to figure out why, and I really believe that your philosophy and study would help me a lot!

If I was selected, I would be willing to feed my family like this too....but my husband might just stop by del taco every night before coming home.
If I am not a good candidate, would you PLEASE contact me and let me know why.
This sounds like a wonderful study that I would love to be a part of.

Sincerely, Julie

1 comment:

JaymeTHunt.com said...

You and I sound remarkably similar in our habits, our weight, how and when we gained it... Right down to the no medications thing!

And now, here we both are following the hcg protocol. :) Yae US!
