Saturday, February 20, 2010

Round 2 Phase 2 Day 16 {hanging in there}

Starting weight Nov. 6, 2009:
Starting Weight this round:
(after loading)
Today's weight
Total Loss:37.6 lbs.
Today's Loss: .4 lbs.
Loss this round: 14.4 lbs.

Reactions:Still not below 237. At least that's only about 17 Stones. 17 sounds nicer than 237. Getting tired of this. Hoping this stall will be OVER soon. Ready to loose again. Being a good girl, but it's hard when not much is happening. This is where I was this past Wed. I'm hoping tomorrow to get out of this stall. 
I did a little "retail therapy" with my daughter Anna, when I wished I could be doing restaurant therapy and eating out. Retail therapy is spending $10 bucks at garage sales and $20 at Ross, so not much harm was done, but it kept me distracted.Anna is only 3, but it is nice to have her along instead of all 3 of my little ones at once. She's mostly a doll and is completely adorable. ;)
I also spent time in our little garden. I put some seeds into the ground with hopes that some will grow. It's only my second year gardening in the desert and I already am feeling more confident. It is nice that the garden area is already in place and that all I need to do is amend the soil a bit and throw some seeds down. ;)

Looking forward to: lotion. my skin is feeling dry from the gardening.
Out of bed: 8:20
Exercise: walking around shopping for 2 hours if that counts. :)
HCG: 10:30 14 drops
Breakfast: MY STORED FAT...
Snacks: 1:00 1/2 grapefruit.
HCG:4:30 14 drops
Lunch:4:30 100g. sole, 200g. tomato, hot sauce and 1oz El Sole Salsa. ( i let myself have it whenever I'm eating tomatoes for my meal already. the only off protocol ingredient is a weensy bit of jalapeno which is probably just fine.
HCG:7:00 14 drops
Dinner:8:00 100g. chicken 200g. asparagus. bit of salt, and Trader Joe's  Everyday Seasoning (which i love)
Snacks: 7:30 1 Organic Apple
Bedtime:10:30. better.
Water: Gallon
Other:smooth move 
Cheating: none. no licks at all, but i took a really, really long sniff of Anna's burrito. ;)

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